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The name of the project will be The Chesterton Community Project.

The Chesterton Area

For the purposes of the Chesterton Community Project the Chesterton Area will include the whole of the Chesterton Electoral Ward and those parts of the Watermoor Electoral Ward and the Park Electoral Ward that lie to the South of the Bristol Road and East of the Tetbury Road dual carriageways and within the Parish boundary of Cirencester.


To promote community led schemes and social responsibility to improve the quality of life for everyone.


The Chesterton Community Project exists to:

(i) Involve and engage with local residents and to encourage them to participate in the general improvement of the Chesterton Area of

(ii) Encourage a sense of community by promoting equal opportunities for all and to oppose any form of discrimination.

(iii) Liaise with similar groups and other partners to exchange information and advice.

(iv) Work with statutory and non-statutory agencies.

(v) Publicise and promote the work of The Chesterton Community Project and from time to time to canvas local opinion on the needs of the Chesterton Area.

(vi) Open bank accounts for the purposes of The Chesterton Community Project and to fund local projects.

(vii) Raise funds and receive contributions and where appropriate finance local community led projects.

(viii) Pay for goods and services in connection with the work of The Chesterton Community Project.

(ix) Take out insurances as may be necessary for the purposes of The Chesterton Community Project and in connection with local community led projects.

(x) Employ and pay any person or persons not being a member of the Committee, to supervise, organise and carry out work on behalf of The Chesterton Community Project and make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of remuneration of such
persons where necessary.

(xi) Work towards achieving the aims and objectives of The Chesterton Community Project whilst remaining a non party-political
group at all times.

(xii) Do all such other lawful things as may be necessary for the attainment of any or all of the above objectives.

Management of The Chesterton Community Project

(i) The Chesterton Community Project shall be administered by a Committee (the Committee) of not less than 3 (three) Adult Members, including officers, who must reside in the Chesterton Area and be elected at the group’s Annual General Meeting (AGM); there will be no upper limit to the number of people that can be elected to the committee.

(ii) The Committee shall have the power to set up a Youth Council with duly elected officers under the age of 18 subject to parental consent. The Youth Council will be accountable to the Management Committee and will represent the interests of young people living in the Chesterton Area.

(iii) The officers duly elected to serve on the Committee shall be:

The Chairperson
The Deputy Chairperson
The Secretary
The Treasurer

and such other officers as the Committee shall deem to be necessary, subject to the majority approval of the Committee.

(iv) Each member of the Committee shall be elected to hold office for the twelve months following the AGM and may apply for re-election at each successive AGM for a maximum term of 3 (three) consecutive years.

(v) The retiring Chairperson shall chair the AGM until a new Chairperson is elected.

(vi) After giving of any reports to the AGM the retiring officers shall stand down unless elected to serve for a further term.

(vii) In the event of there being no nominations for officers after a period of 3 (three) years the retiring officer(s) shall at the discretion
of the Committee be eligible to hold office for a further twelve months to determine the future of the Chesterton Community Project.

(viii) The Committee shall meet at least 4 (four) times per annum and will be responsible for working towards achieving the aims and objectives of The Chesterton Community Project in accordance with any requirements proposed by a majority of local residents at the AGM.

(ix) Voting at Committee meetings shall be by a show of hands with decisions carried on a majority basis. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

(x) The Committee shall have the power to set up sub-groups and working parties as deemed necessary that shall be accountable to the Committee.

(xi) Any member of the Committee who fails to attend 3 (three) consecutive meetings without a valid reason shall forfeit their place on the Committee.

(xii) The Committee shall have the power to co-opt other persons to assist in the work of the Committee as necessary until the conclusion of the next following AGM. Co-opted persons shall not be entitled to participate in any voting undertaken by the Committee or to make any decisions affecting the finances of the Project.

(xiii) Individual Committee members shall have the power to make interim non-financial decisions that meet the aims and objectives of The Chesterton Community Project between meetings provided that such action is reported to the next following Committee meeting and ratified by those attending that meeting.

(xiv) A proposal to remove any member of the Committee between one AGM and the next arranged AGM be made by any 3 (three) members of the Committee. The proposal and reasons must be made in writing to any other member of the Committee and determined at a Special General Meeting (SGM) where the Committee member in question will have the opportunity to respond. The final decision will be made by all those present at the SGM and will be decided by a simple majority secret ballot.


(i) Any money obtained by The Chesterton Community Project shall be used only for the benefit of the local community in the Chesterton Area.

(ii) Any bank accounts opened for the group shall be in the name of The Chesterton Project.

(iii) The financial year shall be from 1st January to 31st December each year.

(iv) Any cheque issued shall be signed by at least 2 (two) of any 4 (four) nominated signatories noting that each nominated signatory must be unrelated and from a different household.

(v) The Committee will ensure that The Chesterton Community Project remains solvent at all times and incurs no unsupported debts or charges.

(vi) The Annual Accounts shall be subject to Audit or Independent Examination in accordance with current accounting practice.

Committee Meetings

(i) The Committee shall meet at least 4 (four) times each year.

(ii) The quorum for a meeting shall be 3 (three).

(iii) The Committee shall be accountable to the residents of the Chesterton Area at all times.

(iv) All meetings must be minuted and available to any interested party once approved.

(v) All Committee members shall be given at least 7 (seven) days notice of a meeting unless it is deemed to be an Emergency Meeting.

Annual General Meeting

(i) The Chesterton Community Project shall hold an Annual General Meeting at intervals not exceeding 15 (fifteen) months.

(ii) Any person residing in the Chesterton Area as defined under clause 2 may attend the AGM.

(iii) At least 14 (fourteen) days notice of such a meeting must be given in one or more local papers and at least 3 (three) public places within the Chesterton Area.

(iv) The business of the AGM shall include:

(a) Receiving a report from the Chairperson of the Project’s activities over the year.

(b) Receiving a report and presentation of the last financial years accounts from the Treasurer.

(c) Electing a new Committee and considering any other matter as may be appropriate at such a meeting.

(v) The quorum for the AGM shall be at least 8 (eight) persons of which no more than 4 (four) shall be Committee members.

(vi) Alterations to the Constitution can be determined at the AGM by a minimum of a two-thirds majority of those attending the meeting.

General Public Meetings

(i) In addition to the AGM the Committee may call General Public Meetings (GPM) as required the purpose of which will be to account for the actions of the Committee and to encourage discussion within the community regarding ideas, issues, problems and solutions according to the aims and objectives of the Project.

(ii) Any person residing in the Chesterton Area as defined under clause 2 may attend the GPM.

(iii) The duly elected Chairperson will normally chair these meetings.

(iv) At least 14 (fourteen) days notice of such a meeting must be given in one or more local papers and at least 3 (three) public places within the Chesterton Area.

(v) All public meetings must be minuted and available to any interested party once approved.

(vi) The quorum for any GPM shall be at least 8 (eight) persons of which no more than 4 (four) shall be Committee members.

Special General Meeting

(i) Each SGM shall be held by majority decision of the Committee to determine any breach of conduct by a Committee member and to consider proposals for the removal of any Committee member.

(ii) Any person residing in the Chesterton Area as defined under clause 2 may attend the SGM.

(iii) The quorum for the SGM shall be at least 8 (eight) persons of which no more than 4 (four) shall be Committee members.

(iv) At least 14 (fourteen) days notice of such a meeting must be given in one or more local papers and at least 3 (three) public places within the Chesterton Area.

(v) Each SGM must be minuted and available to any interested party once approved.

Alteration of the Constitution

(i) Proposals for alterations to this constitution or for the dissolution of the group must be delivered in writing to the Secretary who in
conjunction with at least 2 (two) other Committee members shall decide on a date for a General Public Meeting to determine the proposals.

(ii) At least 14 (fourteen) days notice of such a meeting must be given in one or more local papers and at least 3 (three) public places within the Chesterton Area.

(iii) Alterations to the Constitution can be determined at the GPM by a minimum of a two-thirds majority of those attending the meeting.

(iv) The quorum for any GPM shall be at least 8 (eight) persons of which no more than 4 (four) shall be Committee members.

Charitable Status or Company Limited by Guarantee

Nothing in this constitution shall prevent The Chesterton Community Project applying for charitable or company status at a future date.


The Chesterton Community Project may be dissolved at any time if agreed by two thirds of those attending and voting at any GPM. Any assets held by the group shall be returned to their providers if they so require or shall be passed to another group with similar aims and objectives for the benefit of the Chesterton Area or if this is not possible, for the benefit of Cirencester as a whole.

Adoption of the Constitution

This constitution was adopted by the members and residents present at the Open Meeting held on September 3rd 2008 and signed by the following elected members

Peter Langman - Chairman
Naomi Shrubsole - Secretary
Fiona Hawes - Treasurer
Roly Hughes, Tina Ololade, Davina Caine - Members
of the Committee

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